Home Philanthropy The research racetrack – Alliance magazine

The research racetrack – Alliance magazine

The research racetrack – Alliance magazine

The ERNOP 2023 conference is over. At this moment, it feels like after a ride in a speeding race car, with the sights passing at such a dizzying pace that it’s hard to notice them. And yet here and there, there were moments that caught the eye and awakened the heart and the mind. And, to me, that’s the reason for participating in this racetrack.

A few such moments for example…

In a session inspired by ‘relationship philanthropy’ discussed in a safe space, it made me wonder – are we really listening? Do we really feel comfortable enough even with our colleagues to share mistakes, distresses, and unmet expectations, in the same way we expect people in civil society organisations to do with foundations?

We started the next morning with acappella exercise, which created a few charming moments of pure beauty in which awakened the heart. It made me wish they would come at every break. And why not bring more art to our conferences?

A kick from Michael Meyer’s provocative statement saying that ‘structure eats strategy for breakfast’, made me wonder if research is like fashion? In the sense that every few decades we run out of new ideas and come back to see the beauty in ideas that have seemingly become obsolete? We kept reflecting on the content of that statement all day. What is more valuable to us? To face inwardly and invest in internal order, structure and procedures that will help us survive crises, or to look far away, at the point to which we aspire? So, it’s true that this is a familiar question of conservation vs change or of mechanistic vs. open system logic. But from one provocative sentence, here we all were we all thinking about it. So yes, it is worth investing in refining our ideas and wording.

We don’t always have the energy to do this, but after a graceful reminder from panellist, Tobias Jung, to speak to someone next to us, it was reminder that something always happens as soon as we start talking to someone from a close distance (or when shouting from afar).

There will surely be more sights that will come to mind in the coming days. Thanks to so many people who have invested in this conference endless life energy and good will.

Osnat Hazan, PhD, The Institute for Law and Philanthropy

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