Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Oregon Community Foundation partners with Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting | Free News

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THE DALLES — Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting has been awarded an $89,000 grant from Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) to expand its Parent Education programs for families across the Hub’s five-county region of Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties.

“This funding will support important and necessary work in our community,” said Shira Skybinskyy, director of Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting. “More families will be able to access Parent Education.

“We believe parents already have what it takes to be a great parent, and parent education supports parents as they move through their children’s development,” she said. “We work with many amazing partners and funders in this community and are grateful to continue this amazing work.”

The grant included support from the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative Fund (OPEC) of the Oregon Community Foundation. The grant will support the Hub’s expansion of parent education programs to families across the region. In 2021-2022, 70 OPEC-funded parenting classes were provided to families, more than double the amount from the previous year, said a press release.

Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting Hub partners with many local organizations to help ensure improved outcomes for families with young children across the region. One partner, Mid-Columbia Center for Living; provides evidence-based parenting education series to families with children ages 0-8 and 9-17 living in Wasco and Hood River counties. Another partner, Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc. (GOBHI), provides evidence-based parent education series to families with children ages 0-8 and 9-17 and workshops for children and teens in Gilliam, Sherman, and Wheeler counties. By partnering with a local marketing firm, Four Rivers Family also helps promote series offered by both organizations.

About Four Rivers Family Learning and Parenting

Four Rivers Family Early Learning and Parenting works in collaboration with local community partners across Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties to help connect families with resources and programs to ensure better outcomes for young children. The three key goals of Four Rivers Early Learning and Parenting are to ensure children arrive at kindergarten more ready to learn, families are stable and attached, and services are coordinated and aligned.

About Oregon Community Foundation

Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) was founded in 1973 with a mission to improve the lives of all Oregonians through the power of philanthropy. In partnership with donors and volunteers, OCF works to strengthen communities in every county in Oregon through research, grantmaking, and scholarships. In 2022, OCF distributed more than $180 million, supporting 3,500 grantees and awarding more than 3,000 scholarships. With OCF, individuals, families, businesses, and organizations create charitable funds that meet the needs of diverse communities statewide.

This year marks OCF’s 50th anniversary. Since its founding, OCF has distributed more than $2.2 billion in community investments, including grants to 10,850 nonprofits and 53,375 scholarships to students. Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations can work with OCF to create charitable funds to support causes important to them.

For more information about OCF, visit

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