Monday, December 16, 2024

Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin youth leadership students award $20,000 in community grants

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WAUSAU – Youth Philanthropy Leadership Program students this week awarded $20,000 in grants to five community nonprofit organizations.

Recipients were the Boys & Girls Club of the Wausau Area, Healthfirst Network, Keep Area Teens Safe, NAMI Northwoods and New Beginnings for Refugees. The grants were awarded at the June 5 Capstone Event at the Community Partners Campus.

During the 2022-23 school year, the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin introduced the Youth Philanthropy Leadership Program for students in Marathon County. The two-year program, aimed at high school juniors and seniors, is designed to prepare the next generation of philanthropic leaders through hands-on learning and mentor training.

Through student site visits, research and discussion, 12 organizations were invited to apply for funding.

About the awards

Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Wausau Area

College Campus Visits: $3,000

The Boys & Girls Club provides career and college exploration and readiness activities for middle and high school teens as they begin to think about their future. This grant will support the club’s college and career development initiative with campus visits for 35 junior and senior club members this summer and fall at UW-Madison and several other Wisconsin campuses.  

Healthfirst Network

Marathon County Period Poverty: $7,500

The lack of affordability and accessibility of menstrual products, coupled with stigma and other societal factors, contributes to a perpetuating cycle known as period poverty. Due to the lack of access and affordability, one in four teens in the U.S. have missed class because of the inability to get menstrual supplies. This grant will allow Healthfirst to purchase tampons, menstrual pads, and menstrual cups that will be distributed to middle schools in the 10 school districts in Marathon County.

Keep Area Teens Safe

Providing Normalcy for Youth During Crisis: $3,500

KATS’ mission is to serve the community by providing at-risk youth, ages 12-17, with a safe and stable living environment that results in the decrease of human trafficking, drug addiction, untreated mental illness and other adverse risk factors that affect the lives of youth. Funding from this grant will allow residents of Hillcrest House to receive bus passes to get to and from school, jobs, the YMCA, parks and other outings, as well as provide essential needs, which all add to normalcy in their lives in a time of crisis.

NAMI Northwoods

Raise Your Voice Leader Training: $3,000

Raise Your Voice is a youth movement launched by the National Alliance of Mental Illness Wisconsin that empowers teens to create a conversation about mental health through education, leadership development and civic advocacy. Within the area supported by NAMI Northwoods, there are currently three active RYV clubs including Wausau East and Wausau West high schools. Another four schools are planning to start a RYV club in the upcoming school year and this grant will be used to train individuals from those schools, supporting a positive connection with youth and the mission of the NAMI organization.

New Beginnings for Refugees

Furniture Donation and Household Setup Program: $3,000

Committed to providing basic household items and furniture for refugee families locating to our area, New Beginnings, requested funding to involve youth in their programming. By engaging with refugee families, students will learn about the experiences and challenges faced by people in different circumstances. Students will also gain valuable skills in communication, teamwork and problem-solving, which will serve them well in their future endeavors and provide them with the opportunity to make a positive difference in the community.

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