Sunday, February 16, 2025


2023 North American Wildfires – Center for Disaster Philanthropy

In British Columbia, there are 92 active fires. There are five wildfires that are considered Wildfires of Note, which means that the fire “is highly visible or poses a potential threat to public safety.” There are four wildfires of note...

How Donor Intent and the Freedom to Give Help the Kentucky Derby Museum Grow

Philanthropy Roundtable’s Free to Give campaign elevates the voices of everyday Americans who have dedicated their careers to supporting those in need. Their work is made possible by the freedom of all Americans to give to the causes and...

Freedom Dreaming: A New Collaborative Invites Philanthropy to Reimagine Itself

In his 2002 book “Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination,” historian Robin D.G. Kelley wrote, “Recovering the poetry of social movements… particularly the poetry that dreams of a new world, is not such an easy task.”“For obvious...

Seven Questions with Anna Lappé, Incoming Head of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food

When Anna Lappé was in her mid-20s, she published a book with her mother, the celebrated cookbook author, researcher and activist Frances Moore Lappé.Called “Hope’s Edge,” it was based on trips to places around the globe where...

Philanthropy Needs to Rethink Its Approach to Civic Engagement

What is civic engagement? According to a dictionary definition, it means participating in one’s community and connecting with others who share a common interest or space. That is the definition of the term most nonprofits, academics, journalists,...

Job vacancy: Philanthropy manager | openDemocracy

openDemocracy is looking for a super-organised, proactive communicator to join our team as philanthropy manager. With experience of managing all aspects of fundraising administration, you’ll work closely with our development director and leadership team to strengthen relationships with current...

The Evolving Movement for Nonprofit Social Responsibility

Notes 1 Patricia Bromley, “The Organizational Transformation of Civil Society,” in The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, 3rd ed., edited by Walter W. Powell and Patricia Bromley, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2020. 2 These are the numbers of organizations categorized...

A purchase of biblical proportions + Rabbi Sacks-inspired Shavuot guide – eJewish Philanthropy

Good Thursday morning! Ed. note: In observance of Shavuot and Memorial Day, the next issue of Your Daily Phil will arrive on Tuesday, May 30. Chag sameach and Shabbat shalom! In today’s edition...

Rabbi Sacks Legacy launches new Shavuot guides based on his teachings – eJewish Philanthropy

As Jews around the world prepare to hold a Tikkun Leil Shavuot, an all-night study session for this week’s Shavuot holiday, they will have two new resources to consider this year based on the teachings of the late British...

Sight unseen, Alfred Moses bought one of the world’s most expensive books to fill Jews with pride – eJewish Philanthropy

When investor Jacqui Safra put the Codex Sassoon, a 1,100-year-old near-complete copy of the Tanakh, up for sale in mid-February, Alfred H. Moses – a longtime attorney, former U.S. ambassador to Romania and a former president of the American...
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