Sunday, February 16, 2025


Communications and Philanthropy Lead – Wildsight

Wildsight protects wild places and builds sustainable communities in BC’s Kootenay-Columbia region. With more than 35 years of history as a charity, we are recognized as a leader in large-scale conservation and environmental education.The Communications and Philanthropy Lead is...

Reaching Digital Equity Requires Greater Integration of Technology in All Nonprofit Services

To the Editor:Findings from the recent survey of nonprofit leaders by Connect Humanity are a clear call for better coordination among governments, nonprofits, businesses, and philanthropy to advance digital inclusion.In the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s coverage of the survey, Christopher...

Land trusts offer an innovative way to help the middle class afford a home

Comment on this storyCommentMakeisha Robey grew up in a three-bedroom house and always wanted to provide the same for her children. But on a preschool teacher’s salary in Atlanta, that dream was out of reach. Her family moved from...

Detroit Today: How philanthropy is changing in Detroit to empower residents

Each year in Michigan, political, business and philanthropic leaders gather on Mackinac Island for the Mackinac Policy Conference, an event that represents the largest collection of stakeholders driving policy in the...

Six Questions for Michelle Morales, President of Woods Fund Chicago

Born in Yonkers, New York, Michelle Morales was a self-described “military brat,” spending her childhood moving around the country before settling in Chicago in 1993 to attend DePaul University. For most of her professional career, Morales worked...

As Government Budgets Pull Back, a Look at Philanthropy’s Role in Funding Public Libraries

Philanthropy played a foundational role in creating the American public library system. Once the private privilege of the wealthy, Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie began channeling more than $55 million into libraries in the 1880s, creating...

Philanthropy’s $9 Trillion Blind Spot

The most recent debt ceiling debacle is the latest chapter in the nation’s decades-long political contest over federal spending and taxation. In the view of many conservatives, the ballooning federal debt is a crisis of runaway government...

Our response to the climate crisis must be intersectional

On 23 May, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Philea Forum, the flagship event of Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association), which brings together foundations, philanthropic organisations, and networks. I had the opportunity to address nearly a hundred changemakers...

Empowering future changemakers – Alliance magazine

The world is not short of challenges, but it desperately needs solutions. The Triangle, an innovation hub for the next generation of entrepreneurs based in Šibenik in Croatia, illustrates how to foster innovation and education in a regional setting...

Chicago Botanic Garden Receives $21 Million to Save Endangered Plants From Extinction

Cullen Foundation, the Cullen Trust for Health Care, and the Cullen Trust for Higher Education$30 million to Baylor College of Medicine to build the Lillie and Roy Cullen Tower, a new facility for medical education and research.The planned tower,...
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