Tuesday, September 10, 2024

15 Social Enterprise Accelerators, Fellowships, and Incubators for Social Entrepreneurs

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Social enterprise accelerators are programs that provide support to social entrepreneurs launching their own businesses. They offer a range of resources, such as mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to capital, to help social entrepreneurs succeed in the marketplace.

In this post, we’ll explore what exactly an accelerator is and how it can benefit social entrepreneurs.

What are Social Enterprise Accelerators?

Social enterprise accelerators are programs that provides support for social entrepreneurs who are starting or growing their business. An accelerator typically provides a range of resources, such as mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to capital.

The goal of an accelerator is to help social entrepreneurs succeed in the marketplace by providing them with the tools they need to launch their business.

How Can Social Enterprise Accelerators Help Social Entrepreneurs?

An accelerator can provide assistance in many areas for social entrepreneurs. For example, an accelerator may provide access to mentors who have experience in the field and can offer advice and guidance about how best to build and grow a successful business.

Additionally, an accelerator may provide access to potential investors or partners who may be able to provide capital or other resources that will help the business succeed.

Finally, an accelerator can also provide access to networks of like-minded individuals who can share their experiences and knowledge with one another.

The Echoing Green Fellowship

The Echoing Green Fellowship is a fellowship program for social entrepreneurs who are working to solve problems in the areas of poverty, health, and education. Fellows receive a living stipend, health insurance, and access to Echoing Green’s global network of investors, mentors, and leaders.

Echoing Green has been at the vanguard of finding solutions to global issues for over 35 years. They work with transformational leaders who strive to create meaningful change in areas like education, climate justice, human rights and health; all aiming for social equity on a grand scale.

Their Fellows make up our community -bright minds united by passion-and remain committed members beyond their fellowship term as we continue marching forward together towards progress.

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LowCarbon.Earth is a climate tech accelerator that supports startups developing sustainable goods and services to address climate change, nature loss, and pollution.

Launched by the Massive Earth Foundation in collaboration with UNEP, LowCarbon.Earth operates across the Asia-Pacific region and focuses on core climate sectors such as renewable energy, mobility, and air pollution.

The Massive Earth Foundation introduced the first edition of LowCarbon.Earth in 2021. Since its inception, the program has received backing from organizations like Go4SDGs and Empower, which support women-led and climate tech startups.

Over 1,000 startups have participated in LowCarbon.Earth, benefiting from bootcamps, workshops, mentorship, networking sessions, and pitching opportunities.

The program has become a hub for climate tech leaders, founders, venture capitalists, and investors, offering critical insights into the climate landscape of the Asia-Pacific region.

The latest edition of LowCarbon.Earth took place at Novotel in Bangkok, where top-listed startups pitched their products to over 20 investors from the Asia-Pacific region.

The program has garnered widespread media attention, with national channels like CNBC Aawaz providing in-depth coverage. LowCarbon.Earth is an annual event, inviting all startups working on climate tech solutions to participate and contribute to solving climate change.

Greentown Labs – Go Build Program

Greentown Labs

Greentown Go is a program by Greentown Labs designed to accelerate the commercialization of climate technologies through startup-corporate partnerships.

With a focus on decarbonizing key sectors, the program supports various tracks including Go Build, Go Energize, Go Grow, Go Make, and Go Move, each aimed at different aspects of sustainability and innovation.

By fostering collaborations between innovators and industry leaders, Greentown Go drives the deployment of climate solutions at the scale needed to combat climate change.


Remove is an accelerator program that serves as Europe's leading initiative tailored to assist early-stage startups focused on carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

Remove is an accelerator program that serves as Europe’s leading initiative tailored to assist early-stage startups focused on carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

This program features a comprehensive two-stage accelerator plan, specifically designed to acquaint early-stage CDR founders with the CDR sector, establish connections with relevant ecosystem stakeholders, and offer guidance to address individual challenges encountered during their entrepreneurial journeys.

Moreover, “remove” provides non-dilutive funding and the valuable opportunity to leverage its extensive network of CDR domain experts.

This initiative enjoys support from core partner, the Sustainability in Business Lab at ETH Zurich, as well as founding partners including The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, Carbon Removal Partners, and The DOEN Foundation.

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Elemental Excelerator

With a mission to foster groundbreaking ideas with tangible community impact, Elemental Excelerator offers funding for entrepreneurs seeking to make a difference.

With funding opportunities of up to $3 million, the accelerator program aims to fuel initiatives that have the potential to enact deep-rooted change.

Whether it’s refining growth strategies, navigating fundraising, or embedding equity into projects, entrepreneurs are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the competitive landscape of ClimateTech.



Halcyon is dedicated to accelerating the impact-driven future of business. They firmly believe in the significance of integrating a social mission at the core of a company’s DNA, recognizing that impact-driven businesses hold the potential to foster equity and inclusivity both within the workplace and society at large.

As a community-driven entity, Halcyon stands as a pillar of support for impact-driven businesses and their visionary founders, offering vital resources such as space, community engagement, and access to crucial opportunities.

At the heart of their initiatives are programs designed to empower social entrepreneurs.

Through fellowships, Halcyon provides a platform for these change-makers to grow and flourish, while their funding vehicles ensure that these ventures receive the financial backing needed to scale their endeavors and amplify their positive impact on the world.

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The Acumen Fellowship

The Acumen Fellowship

The Acumen Fellowship is a one-year fellowship program for social entrepreneurs who are working to solve problems in the areas of poverty, health, and education. The fellowship provides participants with access to Acumen’s global network of investors, mentors, and leaders. Fellows also receive a living stipend and health insurance.

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Village Capital Accelerator Programs

Village Capital offers accelerator programs aimed at addressing significant challenges for both people and the planet.

These programs focus on supporting entrepreneurs and startups that are working towards solving major societal issues. Through their accelerator programs, Village Capital aims to provide resources and guidance to help these innovators build successful businesses.

The specific details and areas of focus may vary across different Village Capital accelerator programs. However, the overarching goal is to support startups that are tackling significant problems and creating positive impact in various fields.

Village Capital’s programs typically provide entrepreneurs with access to mentorship, training, networking opportunities, and potential funding sources.

By facilitating connections between entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors, Village Capital aims to create an ecosystem that fosters innovation and social change.

Their accelerator programs serve as platforms for entrepreneurs to refine their ideas, develop their business models, and ultimately scale their ventures to make a meaningful difference in the world.

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Seed Spot Impact Accelerator

Seed Spot Impact Accelerator

The Seed Spot Impact Accelerator is an 8-week program offering training, tools, and coaching to drive rapid revenue growth and investment readiness for social enterprises.

Participants gain lifetime alumni benefits including connections with industry leaders, ongoing support from Seed Spot, and a national network of mentors and fellow impact entrepreneurs.

The program aims to provide clarity by focusing on strategic priorities and refining the business model. It builds leadership skills in financials, industry expertise, and storytelling.\

The accelerator drives traction through sales optimization, social impact measurement, and increased fundability. Finally, it provides a community of guidance, potential partners, and support.

Key outcomes include achieving product-market fit, structured goals and plans, confidence through experience, advanced business skills, compelling narrative, revenue growth, quantified social impact, and an expanded network of advisors and investors.

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Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship Accelerator

For mission-driven social enterprises looking to scale a sustainable impact model, Miller Center’s Silicon Valley Investment Readiness Accelerator provides the resources and guidance needed for next-level success.

These programs focus on women’s economic empowerment and climate resilience initiatives while leveraging their team of executive mentors and leadership coaches to analyze business gaps in order to develop an action plan that takes organizations towards their vision of growth.

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Radical Partners Social Impact Accelerator

Radical Partners Social Impact Accelerator

Radical Partners is a social impact accelerator and consulting firm based in Miami, Florida. They work with organizations, philanthropists, and government agencies to drive social change and create more equitable communities.

Their services include strategic planning, program design and implementation, fundraising and grant writing, and leadership development.

They focus on issues such as education, health, economic opportunity, and civic engagement, and they have a track record of successfully launching and scaling initiatives that have made a positive impact in the community.

The website provides information about their team, approach, and portfolio of projects.

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MIT Solve’s Global Challenges

MIT Solve’s Global Challenges seek social entrepreneurs who are using technology to solve today’s most pressing problems.

MIT Solve is calling on innovative and impact-minded social entrepreneurs who are utilizing technology to drive positive change.

Their prestigious nine-month support program gives participants access to a wealth of resources, from funding opportunities worth more than $1 million to advice and coaching from experts in their field.

By joining the acclaimed network of leaders, successful applicants will be able boost exposure for their projects with help from the media -all while tackling some of today’s biggest challenges along the way.

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Village Capital

Village Capital is an organization that invests in early-stage companies solving global problems through their business model.

Village Capital offers a variety of programs for entrepreneurs, including an accelerator program which provides access to funding, mentorship, networking opportunities, and educational resources.

Village Capital is proud to be the leader in amplifying the impact of early-stage, socially conscious businesses around the globe.

They have partnered with 1,400 entrepreneurs from 28 countries and run multiple programs annually that equip future founders with valuable knowledge and resources.

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Fast Forward Accelerator

Fast Forward is nonprofit tech accelerator that provides a range of resources and support to tech nonprofits, enabling them to create positive impact on a large scale. They offer technical guidance and advice; access to mentors, funders, and other key influencers.

Meet Fast Forward, the Accelerator Program Helping Tech Nonprofits Scale

Fast Forward seeks to strengthen the capacity of tech nonprofits by providing support in areas ranging from technology development and implementation to fundraising, marketing, operations management, financial planning, and strategic communications.

Through their initiatives, Fast Forward aims to create a more equitable world by amplifying the impact of tech nonprofits working on issues related to social justice, education, health care access and delivery, economic empowerment and opportunity, climate change adaptation and resilience building, civic engagement and advocacy.

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Techstars Sustainability Accelerators

Techstars Sustainability Accelerators - Social Enterprise Accelerators, Fellowships, and Incubators for Social Entrepreneurs

Techstars Sustainability accelerators invests in early stage high-growth startups looking to build a better future thanks to technology.

They invite social entrepreneurs that want to solve some of the greatest challenges our planet faces today such as climate change, pollution, poverty, disease.

Techstars accelerators are committed to the success of entrepreneurs worldwide. Their three-month immersion programs provide start-ups access to invaluable resources, including world class mentorships and industry connections.

Funds for growth opportunities are also part of our comprehensive service package, along with engaging workshops and knowledge sharing exercises among peers.

With this specialized support structure companies have achieved groundbreaking results across global markets – making it an established success story in entrepreneurship circles around the globe.

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Watson Institute Venture Accelerator

Watson Institute Venture Accelerator

Ignite impact-driven innovation with the Watson Institute Venture Accelerator.

Connect to a global network, receive an award-winning education and mentorship from experienced professionals, venture capitalists and executives in this 16 week program that officially launches with an onsite Immersive event held Boulder, Colorado – followed by virtual programming for next level entrepreneurs looking to make their mark.

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100x Impact Accelerator

100x Impact Accelerator

The 100x Impact Accelerator helps revolutionary thinkers achieve maximum impact with our top-tier research and accelerator program.

Join forces to determine the ideal approach for you, from government recognition to digitization strategies and open source solutions – so that your game plan doesn’t rely solely on fundraising efforts but leads instead to tangible outcomes.

Entrepreneurs will be offered £150,000 of catalytic capital, world-class resources, door-opening connections and 12 weeks of programming to catapult their social venture into the future.

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Fashion for Good Accelerator

Fashion for Good Accelerator

The Fashion for Good Accelerator is a unique programme that offers startups the opportunity to take their sustainable innovations in the textile industry to the next level.

The accelerator is committed to driving positive change in the fashion supply chain by promoting sustainability, circularity and transparency.

The programme is designed to provide startups with the necessary support to develop and scale their innovations. Participants benefit from a range of resources, including mentorship, expert guidance, funding, and access to a network of industry experts.

The accelerator is based on three key pillars: sustainable fashion, circular fashion, and transparent fashion. Startups that focus on these areas are chosen to participate in the program.

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